
Our Approach

Based on a structured, rigorous and robust methodology using the most advanced Lean concepts, Linovati’s experts effectively combine best practices in work organization with internally mastered knowledge of the processes.

In terms of results, whether it is a diagnosis or process optimization , or even a cultural implementation of Lean continuous improvement, our methodological approach fosters strategic employee involvement and stakeholder buy-in, thus producing a high success rate for projects and initiatives.

Our methodological approach is distinguished by the fact that it:

  • Is not only strongly focused on what is really adding value to the client, but it concretely and truly places the client at the center of the work organization
  • Fosters more effective solutions, innovation and deeper questioning, and greater achievement of the full potential for improvement and performance
  • Actively involves employees in decision-making to promote real buy-in, and thus reduce the natural resistance to change
  • Promotes concrete and adapted interventions directly in the action, in the field
  • Provides for an active transfer of expertise, including support and coaching, allowing the client to develop his autonomy through continuous improvement
  • Is proven to transform towards more systematic cultural improvement
  • Promotes better sustainability and application rigor
  • Produces convincing results and a marked improvement in the quality of staff working-life balance

Our specialties and distinctive elements

The expertise and experience of Linovati’s and BP&M Consulting’s advisors make it a company of choice for everything related to training, process optimization and the deployment of a Lean culture of continuous improvement, regardless of the business field. However, Linovati and BP&M Consulting stand out in the market with the following specialties and distinctive elements:

  • Our high-level strategic advisors, thanks to their proven and practical experiences within large organizations, as well as the depth of their expertise that guides the animation and facilitation of Kaizen workshops, producing results beyond expectations.
  • Our ability to intervene in complex and varied situations and environments, based on the multitude of achievements of the team and the firm
  • Our in-depth knowledge of the application of advanced Lean concepts, allowing us to unlock the maximum potential for improvement or performance in each of our mandates
  • Our ability to successfully pilot a Lean cultural transformation involving best work organization practices
  • The depth and effectiveness of our unique LeanLeader program for the deep migration to more effective Lean management behaviors for our clients
  • Our ability to properly integrate the advanced elements of Lean into the Agile approach (Agile-Lean) and other recognized standards in the field of information technology
  • Our very effective educational strategy for the transfer of expertise, support and coaching in order to develop client autonomy, including training material available under license and sustainability activities.
